If you are here, then you also like photography.


To my surprise, I hear myself talking more and more lately about the things photography taught me. It takes passion, heart and above all it takes perseverance.

When I started noticing the difference from one shot to the next, I just figured all I have to do is give it more time, more tries till I eventually have the frame and lighting I envisioned.

This is a glimpse of what I have been doing so far, spread across two years, in my personal favorite style, raw photography. Because capturing moments for me it means, what I see is what you see. When the sunbeams bring out so much life into the colors of leaves or petals of a flower, or maybe just some random beautiful moment that catches my eyes, all I use is exposure. I take shot after shot till I find the angle I like, the frame to tell the story best, and the light that describes the moment at its finest.

That being said, now you know what is going on here so I let them do the rest of the talking. For more written words, join me in the Blog section, I’ll be posting about the photoshoots, the rest of my projects, the creative process and my latest handmade creations. Welcome to my gallery!

All the love,


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